Soteria Wiki/Documentation



  • Git/GitHub setup

    Git is a version control program that runs “locally” on one's personal computer, while GitHub is website that hosts repositories “remotely” on their servers. Together, they can be used to share/modify/download code repositories. Here is a quick guide to getting them set up on your system.
    1. Create an account on GitHub. This is the where repositories are hosted remotely.
    2. Install Git
      • Windows
        1. Install the Git Bash shell
        2. Git should now be in your system. Check by running “git --version” in Bash or Powershell
        3. If using WSL, see the Linux instructions
      • Linux
        1. Run “sudo apt install git” from your terminal
    3. At your terminal, enter “git config --global NAME” with your name for NAME
    4. At your terminal, enter “git config --global EMAIL” With your email for EMAIL (Use the same email you used for GitHub)


Core Codebase

  • Setting up the Java Spring server to run locally

    1. Install Java JDK 1.11 or higher
      • Windows/Mac Instructions
        1. You can get it from the Oracle Site. Make sure you get the 64-bit one for a 64-bit OS.
        2. After installing, make sure Java is in your system's "PATH" environment variable.
      • Linux (Ubuntu) Instructions
        1. At your terminal, enter “sudo apt install default-jre” in your terminal
        2. At your terminal, enter “sudo apt install default-jdk” in your terminal
        3. Make sure java is in your path by entering “echo $JAVA_HOME” in your terminal and verifying the output.
    2. Install any IDE. We use VSCode here.
    3. Install VSCode extensions
      • Spring Boot Extension Pack by Pivotal
      • Java Extension Pack by Microsoft
      • Maven (should come with Java)
        Enter “mvn -v” in your terminal to verify it is installed.
    4. Clone the server repository
    5. Open the repository in your IDE
    6. In VSCode, find the “Spring Boot Dashboard” on the bottom left to run the project. Alternatively, find the “Java Projects” tab on the bottom left of the screen, and click "Run".

Virtual Reality


